The Perfidy of God

Well, after this essay my soul is likely to be sentenced to eternal damnation in Hell, but I can’t but help share with you some of my reservations about conventional religious beliefs. Traditional monotheistic religions have been largely constructed by those who have claimed to have had particular, personal access to God. In ancient times […]

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The Manufacturing of Muhammad

Some years ago I wrote an essay which I titled The Most Famous Man who never Lived which critiqued the mythology that had been created to support the notion that an extraordinary man, who purported to be the Son of God lived on this earth some two millennia ago who held the keys to eternal […]

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Recovering from Wokeness

I have written in previous essays of how wokeness has permeated the fabric of Western democracies. In many ways it has impacted on our sense of self with its promotion of identity politics and its denigration of our history and traditional culture. Consequently we are encouraged by the left to view ourselves very differently to […]

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The Waning of Woke?

Whilst in my younger years I was much more progressive in my political point of view, as often seems to be the trend (we can only hope for the same with Greta Thunberg!), But as I’ve grown older I must confess I have become more conservative in my thinking (in case you haven’t noticed). My […]

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A Few Philosophical Snippets about the Paradox of Altruism

As you would now know from my essays, I tend to read a lot. I don’t read much fiction however. It’s not that I don’t like fiction – I do. Fictional tales can be exciting, moving and very entertaining in many and various ways. Some, using allegorical devices, can also be quite meaningful and didactic. […]

June 6, 2024

Whither Multiculturalism?

It has been a boast of politicians of various political persuasions that that Australia is the most successful nation on earth regarding multiculturalism. Traditionally we have been able to assimilate migrants into the Australian way of life from very diverse backgrounds. They have contributed productively to our economy, enriched us with their cultural heritages but […]

May 23, 2024

The Truth about the Truth

Postmodernism has largely sought to modify our notions about how to think of the world. In doing this it has attempted to downplay rationality in favour of more subjective criteria.   Steiner Kvale was the Professor of Educational Psychology at the Aarhus University in Denmark. He was a noted international authority on postmodernism and psychology. […]

May 2, 2024

A Rational Look at Colonialism

It is an unfortunate fact that Australian black activists, always looking for props to support their unrelenting ethos of victimhood, have promoted the British colonisation of Australia as a primary reason to justify indigenous dysfunction. It is a convenient excuse to blame those events of two centuries past to explain the ills of some of […]

April 20, 2024

Avoiding the Truth –How we are Trapped by Intellectual Cowardice

There is no denying that most of the intellectual debates in today’s society, particularly those that have significant political and social ramifications, evoke emotional responses. This is unsurprising because for most of us our beliefs underpin who we think we are. They form a vital part of our self-concept. It is unremarkable then that we […]

April 4, 2024

Awaking to Wonder

Every now and then I am forced to remove myself from the apparent urgent demands of the “real” world and remind myself that there are more important issues than the ones that dominate the headlines every day. Of course I feel the injustice and suffering caused by conflict in the Middle East and Ukraine. And […]

March 6, 2024

Australia’s Uncontested Cultural Revolution

Almost inevitably it seems, we woke up on 26 January to see pictures of a bronze statue of James Cook lying on the ground having been sawn off at the ankles causing it to topple from its plinth. It seems as though the perpetrator of this act of vandalism believed he was making some sort […]

February 12, 2024

On Australia Day

Many of the activists decrying the celebration of Australia Day on 26 January seem to be historically illiterate. They vilify Captain James Cook, implying that Cook was somehow responsible for the British settlement of Australia. They seem to confuse Cook’s discovery of Australia in 1770 when he mapped Australia’s east coast with the later settlement […]

January 23, 2024

Revisiting the Christmas Myth

What a strange contradictory world we live in. Or perhaps it might be more pertinent to say what strange contradictory beings we are! We live in troubled times.  There is armed conflict in Ukraine and the Middle East. The state pf our economy is parlous and many Australians are facing real cost of living pressures. […]

December 31, 2023