The Waning of Woke?

Whilst in my younger years I was much more progressive in my political point of view, as often seems to be the trend (we can only hope for the same with Greta Thunberg!), But as I’ve grown older I must confess I have become more conservative in my thinking (in case you haven’t noticed). My […]

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Some More Thoughts on Knowing, Consciousness and Time

In 2009 I published a little book of parables which was titled Augustus Finds Serenity. In the introduction to the book, I outlined the reason why I had sought to use the medium of metaphor and parable to outline the concepts that I thought were useful in helping people live more fulfilled lives. I started […]

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In the Beginning

In the Beginning In The Sound of Music, Julie Andrews sang: Nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could.. (Lyrics from Something Good.) I suspect she wasn’t trying to make a philosophical statement but in fact she made a very profound statement. When we study cosmology we try to understand how the universe began. Science suggests […]

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Albanese’s Blind Spots

Albanese’s Blind Spots It is amazing how much the political world has changed in my lifetime. My father was a staunch Labor supporter. He had even been elected to the local council on the Labor ticket and served a couple of terms as a Labor alderman. Although he actually had many skills and was a […]

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The Futility of Reconciliation

As I write this essay, the annual Closing the Gap report is being presented to parliament by the Prime Minister. The report attempts to quantify progress on a number of health, education and welfare measures where indigenous Australians perform poorly compared to other Australians. As I understand it, improvements were made in only one of […]

February 18, 2017

Political Uncertainty

A failure in democratic processes seems to be affecting Western countries, causing some concern about the integrity of democracy and its ongoing capacity to produce outcomes to the satisfaction of a majority of citizens. I have written in previous essays that I had a concern that our elected representatives have lost touch with ordinary voters. […]

February 12, 2017

Climate Change and Energy Policy

I am concerned that Australia’s lost its way with respect to Climate Change and consequently its energy policy going forward. To understand my position it might be useful if I were to give you some of my history which will put some context about why I think the way I do. To begin with, contrary […]

February 4, 2017

Quantum Theory and Mysticism

I have often written about the impact of Quantum Physics, not only on our understanding of the physical world but also on our philosophical understanding of the nature of the universe. Now I don’t pretend to understand Quantum Physics, and I suspect many who write about it in popular literature have no greater understanding than […]

January 27, 2017

Toying with Treaties

As I have remarked on many occasions before, although Australia is a wonderful country, the plight of our indigenous people is a cause of great concern and not something we should be proud of. I have provided my readers on previous occasions with the appalling statistics of the plight of indigenous people with respect to […]

January 21, 2017

On Becoming Real

Even an old troglodyte like me can appreciate the benefits of modern technology. So I may be a troglodyte but I am decidedly not a Luddite, even though I find some manifestations of modern technology unsettling. I can remember going to a lunch with a prominent international figure as the guest speaker when one of […]

January 14, 2017

Preserving Our Liberal Democracy

I have written many previous essays on Islamist terrorism which is underpinned by a fundamentalist belief in Islam. I have examined the genesis of Islam and its initial success as not only a religious movement but as a colonising military force which resulted in the century or two after the death of Muhammad in a […]

January 7, 2017

The Mysterious Universe

Human advancement is inexorably linked to the progress of human thinking. What we have come to know and believe has been subject to multiple influences. In the West, prior to the seventeenth century, most people, the philosophers included, believed that there were only two prime sources of knowledge, viz. To relearn the wisdom of the […]

December 31, 2016

The Genesis of Another Famous Cristmas Song

Even an old cynic like me is positively affected by the Christmas myth. In fact it often inspires me to write a myth of my own. In the past I have written a couple in a series that I have called How a Famous Christmas Song Came to Be. This week I intend to follow […]

December 17, 2016

Glass Half Full and Rising

The news, it seems, is largely bad news. We hear of traffic fatalities, plane crashes and the latest terrorist atrocities. We are fed statistics about growing obesity, drug and alcohol abuse and falling education standards. On the television we see the latest house fire, wide spread storm damage and pervasive floods and droughts, all too […]

December 10, 2016