God’s Debt to Philo

Those who have been frequent readers of my blog essays will note that I have an abiding interest in spirituality and those quaint offshoots of spirituality that we know as religions. Most religions, but certainly not all, are defined by their particular conception of gods or God. If we delve into the history of religions […]

October 5, 2013

All In Good Time

Those who know me well will attest that I can be quite hedonistic. I have often overindulged in food and wine and occasionally in hilarity. It could be fairly said that I in my sometime displays of immoderation might be accused of seeking to have a “good time”. I probably was unduly influenced by a […]

September 22, 2013

Difficulties in Emptying the Nest

I know I am a curmudgeonly old troglodyte, but there are many phenomena present in modern society I don’t understand. I don’t understand why, when the plane lands, and the cabin staff give the approval, ninety five per cent of people have to check their mobile phones. They are obviously more important than I am […]

September 15, 2013

Prisoners to our Passions

The burning flames of anger have parched the stream of my being. The thick darkness of illusion has blinded my intelligence. My consciousness drowns in torrents of desire. The mountain of pride has flung me into the nether worlds. The driving blizzard of envy has dragged me into samsara. The demon of the belief in […]

September 7, 2013

A Message to Tony Abbott

For some considerable time I have bitten my tongue, not wanting to venture into the world of partisan politics. (As my gentle readers know I have tried to be ecumenical in most things and do not want to offend any of your sensibilities!) We have an election next Saturday, and unless I, and many other […]

August 31, 2013

In the Beginning…..

In some areas of our lives the functions of science and religion seem easily discernible. If I wanted to know something about the radio-active decay of uranium, I would be unlikely to seek out the advice of a priest (whilst admitting to the fact that some priests are well enough versed in science to be […]

August 25, 2013

Managing Our Inheritance

Some of us are fortunate enough to inherit great material wealth from our forebears. Others of us are content to know that our ancestors achieved lesser remarkable things (in materialistic terms), perhaps making great discoveries, exploring unknown territories or achieving excellence in art, or sport or music. Most of us can remember a grandparent with […]

August 17, 2013

Musings on Mergings

I love the sea. Some of my most enjoyable times have been spent on it or alongside it. The sea seems to have a primal connection to us. You can sit in a small boat and watch the dolphins play; you can cast a lure from the rocks and wait in expectation for that jolting […]

August 10, 2013

Simple Wisdom

Wisdom and understanding of the world may be limited in its scope but it is ubiquitous. Whilst we expect it from great philosophers and learned scientists, we often overlook that it is embedded in folklore and expressed in the sayings and anecdotes of the commonest people. When it comes from the wise philosophers and the […]

August 3, 2013

The Joy of Play

Some fifty years ago now I read a wonderful book. It was called Ring of Bright Water and its author was Gavin Maxwell. The book, as I recall, was about otters. And although it was based in the rather cold and austere waters of Scotland, it was a lot about play. Otters are irascible creatures. […]

July 27, 2013