Confabulation and Forgiveness

In psychology to “confabulate” means to fabricate a reason for something in order to rationalise our behaviour when in fact the behaviour has an unconscious cause. Most of you will think this is an academic concept that has little application to normal human behaviour. Surprisingly it is a very common human phenomenon. As the good […]

March 8, 2014

After the Royal Commission

Despite his prolonged protestations of innocence, Craig Thomson has been finally found guilty of fraudulent use of his credit card whilst an official of the Health Services Union. In the face of a number of other complaints regarding alleged criminal conduct of unions (not the least of which included one involving the former Prime Minister, […]

February 28, 2014

Pascal’s Wager

In the Western world it was probably the increasing influence of science that caused the rise in atheism. Atheists tend to be philosophical naturalists – people who attempt to understand the world without invoking anything supernatural. As the ability of science to explain the physical world increased, the need for the supernatural decreased commensurately. Indeed […]

February 22, 2014

Irrational Fear

My wife would certainly attest to the fact that I have a particular abhorrence of spiders. It is hard to know how it originated. Our progenitors no doubt had some fear of spiders and even more so of snakes. They, as hunter gatherers would routinely have encountered these potential threats. As a result over the […]

February 15, 2014

Science and Certainty

I once had a strange discussion with the author of a so-called “New Age” book. He had some disparaging things to say about science and mathematics. To illustrate a point he maintained that even the universal constant pi could not be accurately determined. He, of course was misled. Because pi was unable to be defined as a proper […]

February 8, 2014

Causality and Blame

The world is endlessly complex, intricate and surprising. Conceptually we find that hard to cope with and consequently we spend a lot of effort in trying to simplify it. Some of our models of the world and its component parts have proved very useful first approximations and have aided our general understanding. However sometimes our […]

February 1, 2014

Thoughts on Australia Day 2014

Here we are in a New Year and traditionally that has offered us the opportunity to pause and take stock. Australia seems to be in transition again. There are a number of influences having an impact on our country and our way of life. As we approach Australia Day I thought I would elaborate on […]

January 25, 2014

Spiritual Gravity

My more long-suffering readers will remember there is a metaphor I am particularly fond of. We might call it the parable of the raindrop. When the sun shines on the vastness of the sea through the mechanism of evaporation water vapour is formed. Now the sea is the final repository of pretty well all raindrops […]

January 17, 2014

How a Famous Christmas Song Came to Be – Part II

As you may probably know, I am quite interested in music and its origins. Some years ago I wrote a blog about the genesis of a popular Christmas song. I have decided this year to enlighten you about the circumstances that generated another one. One of the frustrations of most of us at Christmas is […]

December 29, 2013

The Problem with Positive Thinking

If we were to blame anybody for the plethora of self-help books in recent decades, it should probably be Norman Vincent Peale. Peale was the author of the enormously successful, and still available, The Power of Positive Thinking. The book was first published in 1952. Peale was a modern day evangelist who promoted the dogma […]

December 21, 2013