The Perfidy of God

Well, after this essay my soul is likely to be sentenced to eternal damnation in Hell, but I can’t but help share with you some of my reservations about conventional religious beliefs. Traditional monotheistic religions have been largely constructed by those who have claimed to have had particular, personal access to God. In ancient times […]

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The Manufacturing of Muhammad

Some years ago I wrote an essay which I titled The Most Famous Man who never Lived which critiqued the mythology that had been created to support the notion that an extraordinary man, who purported to be the Son of God lived on this earth some two millennia ago who held the keys to eternal […]

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Recovering from Wokeness

I have written in previous essays of how wokeness has permeated the fabric of Western democracies. In many ways it has impacted on our sense of self with its promotion of identity politics and its denigration of our history and traditional culture. Consequently we are encouraged by the left to view ourselves very differently to […]

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The Waning of Woke?

Whilst in my younger years I was much more progressive in my political point of view, as often seems to be the trend (we can only hope for the same with Greta Thunberg!), But as I’ve grown older I must confess I have become more conservative in my thinking (in case you haven’t noticed). My […]

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The Elusive Notion of Time

For most of my adult life I have been fascinated by the notion of time. Time, and how we experience it, has many quandaries which science seems unable to satisfactorily explain. Einstein taught us that time was one of the four dimensions required to explain the physical universe. Whilst scientists insist that time is a […]

December 15, 2023

The Leftist Indoctrination of our Children

I have written many times before about the “long march of the left” through our institutions. It seems that march is now almost complete with our schools, our universities, government bureaucracies and even our corporates awash in political correctness and identity politics. (Here in Queensland even our newly appointed Chief Judge has declared that she […]

November 27, 2023

Let’s Have a Frank Talk about Immigration

The Australian economy is not in a particularly good place at present. Inflation remains stubbornly high; interest rates continue to rise; cost of living is soaring and government debt is at an alarming level. The Reserve Bank of Australia, charged with the responsibility of reigning in inflation, has only had moderate success despite raising interest […]

November 14, 2023

Lessons from the Voice Referendum

Well the Voice referendum has been a painful experience for a lot of us. It was essentially a divisive exercise that provided an opportunity for progressives to exaggerate perceived racism in the Australian population. It was built on an antidemocratic effort to give some Australians, based on their ancestry and history, additional benefits over and […]

October 22, 2023

The New Fundamentalism

In religion, fundamentalism would normally be interpreted as a belief that the doctrines espoused in the founding scriptures are literally true. As an extreme example, the fundamentalist Christian, Irish Bishop, James Ussher, relying on biblical genealogy, calculated that the earth had been created by God circa 4004 BC. Geologists, using more objective assessments, proved he […]

October 7, 2023

The Paradox of Hate Speech

“Hatred is the Winter of the Heart” – Victor Hugo According to the French geneticist, Matthieu Ricard, who left his scientific career to become a Buddhist monk in the Himalayas:  Of all the mental poisons, hatred is the most toxic. It is one of the chief causes of unhappiness and the driving force of all […]

September 19, 2023

Don’t Be Sorry!

Often in our day to day lives we go about our business somewhat mindlessly. Without much thought we fall into line with the prevailing thoughts of others and forget lessons we have learnt in the past. Sometimes we are encouraged to take a point of view we largely disagree with just because it is congruent […]

September 2, 2023

The Saga of the Great Voice Subterfuge

It seems to me a great tragedy Australia’s original inhabitants have emerged from the Dream Time only to be ensconced in the “woke” time. With the Voice referendum fast approaching and the rhetoric from both the Yes camp and the No camp hotting up, I thought it might be wise to take pause and reflect […]

August 16, 2023

Avoiding the Debate

I have often told you, my good friend and mentor, the good Dr Phil, taught me many years ago that the path to psychological maturity comprised three steps, viz: Know yourself. Accept yourself. Forget yourself. Unfortunately I am still getting to know myself and what I am learning I am finding difficult to accept! Perhaps […]

July 30, 2023

The Period When I Transitioned

I had been out of sorts for a while. I was smitten with some vague uneasiness that I felt hard to place. Even my wife noticed it. “You seem depressed,” she said. “What is wrong with you?” “I don’t know,” I responded. “I feel strangely dissolute.” “Typical male,” she replied.  “Suffer in silence and won’t […]

July 5, 2023