The Waning of Woke?

Whilst in my younger years I was much more progressive in my political point of view, as often seems to be the trend (we can only hope for the same with Greta Thunberg!), But as I’ve grown older I must confess I have become more conservative in my thinking (in case you haven’t noticed). My […]

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Some More Thoughts on Knowing, Consciousness and Time

In 2009 I published a little book of parables which was titled Augustus Finds Serenity. In the introduction to the book, I outlined the reason why I had sought to use the medium of metaphor and parable to outline the concepts that I thought were useful in helping people live more fulfilled lives. I started […]

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In the Beginning

In the Beginning In The Sound of Music, Julie Andrews sang: Nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could.. (Lyrics from Something Good.) I suspect she wasn’t trying to make a philosophical statement but in fact she made a very profound statement. When we study cosmology we try to understand how the universe began. Science suggests […]

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Albanese’s Blind Spots

Albanese’s Blind Spots It is amazing how much the political world has changed in my lifetime. My father was a staunch Labor supporter. He had even been elected to the local council on the Labor ticket and served a couple of terms as a Labor alderman. Although he actually had many skills and was a […]

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What to Believe?

I vividly remember in my late teens thinking to myself, “Before I die I need to learn about religion.” It seemed to me that there was something important here that I could not avoid confronting. My mother was a non-practising Catholic and my father was an atheist. And I would have to say in our […]

December 1, 2019

The Fading Voice

There is no doubt we live in strange times. Those of us who live in Western, liberal democracies are probably enjoying the most congenial circumstances that citizens of this earth have ever experienced. We enjoy representative democracies and elevated standards of living beyond the dreams of our ancestors. Yet, despite these indisputable facts, many are […]

November 17, 2019

Imbibo Ergo Sum (II)

I would like to again take up the theme that I initiated in my previous essay. That essay was an autobiographical journey of my experience as a drinker. Whilst only a few of you responded directly with comments on my blog, quite a number contacted me privately expressing their enjoyment. In retrospect, however, there are […]

November 5, 2019

Imbibo Ergo Sum

An abstainer is a weak person who yields to the temptation of denying himself a pleasure. Ambrose Bierce My wonderful daughter often buys me books for my birthdays and other occasions. Although my tastes in reading matter are far from the ordinary, she generally manages to find me something suitably provocative and engaging. I would […]

October 29, 2019

Discovery, Conquest and Capitulation

Discovery, Conquest and Capitulation Mankind and its immediate predecessors have occupied the world for hundreds of thousands of years. Initially that occupation was dominated by tribes of hunter/gatherers of no more than a hundred or so individuals. The initial population of the earth was sourced by the movement out of Africa by hominids and humans […]

October 10, 2019

The Fraught Pursuit of Indigenous Culture

It is hard not to despair about indigenous disadvantage. Every week we hear anecdotal evidence of indigenous children being neglected, resulting in high rates of criminal activity, substance abuse and incarceration. Despite a huge expenditure on efforts to improve indigenous welfare we see little concrete evidence of improvement in the more dysfunctional communities. Mind you, […]

September 19, 2019

Making the Right Decision

When you are a senior executive, it soon becomes apparent that your effectiveness is hugely dependent on your decision making ability. Delivering on the enterprise’s strategic plan, ensuring long term profitability, enhancing productivity and creating and sustaining an appropriate organisational culture, all rely on effective decision making. As humans the two obvious impediments to good […]

September 9, 2019

Rights and Wrongs

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. The American Declaration of Independence The American Declaration of Independence is based on the premise that we all have rights […]

August 22, 2019

Jonas on Parenting

As Eric grew older he became aware of how fortunate he was to be the son of Jonas and Helena. Whilst they were reasonably strict parents their unconditional love for him was manifest. Some of his friends lived in dysfunctional families that seemed to oscillate between indulgence of their children and irrational demands. This gave […]

July 30, 2019

Climate, Carbon and the Curse of Coal!

Over twenty years ago I was fortunate enough to have been selected to be CEO of the generating company, Stanwell Corporation. In one of our early strategic planning sessions we determined to focus on renewable energy projects. In following years we commissioned wind, mini-hydro and biofuel projects. It seemed to us that it was responsible […]

July 14, 2019