Rights and Wrongs

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. The American Declaration of Independence The American Declaration of Independence is based on the premise that we all have rights […]

August 22, 2019

Jonas on Parenting

As Eric grew older he became aware of how fortunate he was to be the son of Jonas and Helena. Whilst they were reasonably strict parents their unconditional love for him was manifest. Some of his friends lived in dysfunctional families that seemed to oscillate between indulgence of their children and irrational demands. This gave […]

July 30, 2019

Climate, Carbon and the Curse of Coal!

Over twenty years ago I was fortunate enough to have been selected to be CEO of the generating company, Stanwell Corporation. In one of our early strategic planning sessions we determined to focus on renewable energy projects. In following years we commissioned wind, mini-hydro and biofuel projects. It seemed to us that it was responsible […]

July 14, 2019

Suicidal Thoughts

No doubt most caring Australians are appalled by the high rates of indigenous suicide, particularly among the young. It really is a blight on Australian society and surely we must strive to do better. Those struggling to find answers to this dilemma often point to the disadvantages and indignities to which many of our indigenous […]

June 19, 2019

Progressing the Voice

A lot of things have been changed by the results of the recent election. All of a sudden the Queensland Labor Premier, Annastacia Palaszczuk has taken umbrage at her Environmental Department’s stalling tactics with regard to the Adani Mine approvals. It seems she has belatedly concluded that Queenslanders generally might have different opinions to those […]

June 9, 2019

Some Thoughts on Election 2019

This does not purport to be an in depth analysis of the recent election. Millions of words have now been written by political commentators, party proponents and opponents and other supposedly politically well-informed writers on the issue. I just thought that I might share with you some of my thoughts on aspects of the election […]

May 27, 2019

The Dilemma of Mothering

A Facebook group I belong to has been dredging up old photos of my mother’s side of the family. It has been a real delight to see them. As I sit here on Mother’s Day, appropriately, I have been reminiscing over photos of my mother and maternal grandmother, two fine women who were very influential […]

May 16, 2019

Wondering Aloud

The English Romantic poet, William Wordsworth, wrote a sonnet with the great title The World is too much with us. And indeed far too often in our lives this seems to be the case. We forget about the great wonder and mystery of life and are overly concerned with paying the mortgage, our personal appearance, […]

April 26, 2019

Selective Hearing

It seems as though an outburst on Facebook inspired by his fundamentalist Christian beliefs might have ended the international rugby career of Israel Folau. Folau reportedly posted on his Facebook page an admonitory warning that “drunks, homosexuals, adulterers, liars and fornicators” are headed to hell unless they repent. It was nice of him to be […]

April 19, 2019

Looking Out and Looking In

Once we become aware of our consciousness, human beings have to negotiate life taking into consideration we have to deal with a world “in here” (our internal world which is really our theatre of mind) and a world “out there” (the external world which provides the physical environment of our existence). (The transpersonal psychologist, Ken […]

April 7, 2019