Countering the Despair of Nihilism

It is not difficult to make the case that that advancement of Mankind has been greatly facilitated by the general agreement on a basic set of shared values by the various aggregations of its personnel in families, tribes, communities, states and nations. In days gone by those beliefs and values were perpetuated through the institutions […]

December 16, 2013

War Games?

It is interesting to ask the question that what is it about sport that it has caught the attention and held the interest of Western societies so strongly. I don’t feel competent to comment on the phenomenon in Western societies generally and therefore I will restrict my comments to observations about what I am familiar […]

December 7, 2013

Cultivating Depth

Many in today’s society seek for easy answers. We would like to believe that our desires are readily attainable. Many of our pop psychologists and our self-help books reinforce this misguided notion. There is always a by-line asserting that a particular guru can show you the “three easy steps” to enlightenment, weight loss, improved self-esteem […]

December 1, 2013

True Believers

Many of our beliefs are assimilated rather early in our lives and then are seldom challenged. Because of our egos we desperately want to believe that our beliefs are in fact true and they are superior to other beliefs (or perhaps more pertinently to the beliefs of others). Of course we don’t come by our […]

November 24, 2013

Putting Aside Blame

“To understand anything, what is essential? A quiet mind, is it not? So long as the mind is in conflict, blaming, resisting, condemning, there can be no understanding.” J. Krishnamurti The First and Last Freedom As we have seen in previous essays, suffering seems to be an inevitable part of being human. And of course […]

November 17, 2013

Settling Our Differences

It is amazing how special we think we are in the face of evidence to the contrary. Surveys show that most people feel they are above average on most criteria ranging from attractiveness, driving skills, physical fitness and generosity. Of course our opinion of ourselves is jaundiced by a subtle conspiracy between our eyes and […]

November 10, 2013

Morality, Happiness and Suffering

There are few areas of human endeavour more difficult to fathom than our attempts to come to grips with the issues of ethics and morality. The traditional question of the ethicist is, “What ought one do?” It seems to me that there are many circumstances where there is no easy answer to that question. It […]

November 2, 2013

Education – What Are The Real Lessons?

Education – What Are The Real Lessons? I remember reading a passage by T H White many years ago. He talked about somebody “who got upon his favourite hobby horse and rode off in all directions at once”! Well I am about to emulate this feat (or at least I am sure some of you […]

October 26, 2013

The Futility of the War on Terror

The dramatic TV coverage of the terrorist attacks on the United States on 11 September 2001 is still dramatically vivid in most of our memories. The hijacking of four passenger jets from domestic passenger flights and their subsequent deliberate crashing in order to kill defenceless civilians horrified us all. The appalling sight of the demolition […]

October 19, 2013

The Employment Dilemma

It is often easy for me to write my blog essay and pontificate on various issues and take a disinterested point of view. (Some of you might dispute that assertion.) Let me state from the outset that it is impossible for me to have a totally impartial view on this week’s subject. I want to […]

October 12, 2013