“Self” – Management

Often in my coaching practice, when people are amenable to going a little deeper into “what it means to be human” I introduce my client to the Phil Harker model of: Know yourself < > Accept Yourself < > Forget Yourself Just recently I went over it with an executive. I argued that it was […]

May 24, 2014

A Malevolent Sort of Ignorance

Most of us have pretty strong maternal and paternal feelings. We feel such empathy, not only for own progeny, but for children in general. We are appalled when we see violence done to children, whether physical or psychological. When we see children grossly violated over long periods of time and such activity tacitly approved of […]

May 17, 2014

Beware The Goal Rush

My essay this week might easily be read in conjunction with last week’s In Praise of Doubt. Last week I was critical of the Absolutists and their need for certainty. In fact I implied that their lack of tolerance of ambiguity was an indication of a lack of psychological maturity. The thought came to me […]

May 10, 2014

In Praise of Doubt

Postmodernism has always seemed to me to be an over-reaction to absolutism, which its adherents see as pervading modern society. They deride “scientism”, mistakenly believing that science lays down laws that are not challengeable. As Sir Karl Popper showed us, nothing in science can ever be said to be definitively proved. Carl Sagan, the American […]

May 3, 2014

The Dastardly Royalist Plot

Well, what a frustrating week it’s been! To my great chagrin all the newspapers and the television content have been swamped with the royal visit. As a republican, it is embarrassing to watch the fawning press running after them and an adulatory public swarming to catch a glimpse of this irrelevant pair of freeloaders and […]

April 25, 2014

A Meditation on Meditation

A Meditation on Meditation In his opera Thais Jules Massenet wrote a superb piece of music which has become to be known as Meditation. It is certainly one of my own personal favourites. It is a serenely beautiful rhapsody with the violin predominating. In every day parlance we use the term “meditation” quite loosely. It […]

April 19, 2014

The Dilemma of an Ordinary Blogger

Many of you have asked me how it is that I can write a blog essay every week. My normal response is to say it is not as hard as you think. There are many likely sources for my weekly dabblings. I have normally been reading a book about something stimulating. I read the newspapers […]

April 5, 2014

Making Up Our Minds

Most of you don’t realise this and to the amazement of the more practical and pragmatic of you, you are all visionaries and mystics! Let me state a fact that might surprise you. No human being has ever experienced an objective world! Whatever you are experiencing right now is in fact a visionary experience. It […]

March 29, 2014

Dealing with Unemployment

We have heard a lot in the news in recent times of loss or potential loss of jobs at Qantas, Holden, Ford, SPC Ardmona, Gove Alumina Refinery, Port Henry Aluminium Smelter and so on. There has been a lot of gnashing of teeth because the Government wouldn’t step in and have the Australian taxpayer prop […]

March 22, 2014

The Power of Paradigms

It was the good Dr Phil who introduced me to that wonderfully insightful book by Thomas S Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Kuhn showed that the progress of science has been largely discontinuous. Most scientists work within a generally accepted set of theories (which Kuhn termed a paradigm) and are largely content to make […]

March 15, 2014