Some Advice for Malcolm Turnbull

In the past I was foolish enough to write a number of essays purporting to give Tony Abbott some advice as to how he should do his job better when he was Prime Minister. It was, as you know, a waste of time. Despite these setbacks I find I cannot resist the opportunity to offer […]

April 16, 2016

In Praise of Hedonism

Trigger Warning: For any poor sensitive souls reading this essay let me warn that it eschews political correctness, and additionally, contains a lot of nonsense! How wonderful it is to live in a modern democracy like ours where so many people are concerned for our welfare. By and large, these all-knowing benevolent folk, not only […]

April 10, 2016

The Islamist Terror Phenomenon

Terror has been in the news again in the last two weeks. First there was the atrocity in Brussels and over the weekend a major terrorist attack in Lahore. The motive behind the killing of defenceless people in these mass murders is almost incomprehensible to most of us. The nature of these bombings was on […]

April 2, 2016

Happy Easter

As I sit down to write this week’s blog essay, Easter is almost upon us. Well, traditionally Easter is the most sacred celebration in the Christian calendar but for most of the population it has become little more than a very long weekend and a spurious opportunity to indulge children with Easter eggs and such […]

March 24, 2016

Creating the Worlds We Experience

A common expression that you are all familiar with is “looking at the world through rose coloured glasses” which implies that the person is unduly optimistic or idealistic. The saying propagates a myth. It implies that everyone else sees the world directly and consequently, more realistically. But as much as we might want to think […]

March 19, 2016


Growing up in a country town in North Queensland I had little exposure to other cultures. I went to school with quite a few indigenous children but I knew little about indigenous culture. In fact now I come to think of it they didn’t make a fuss of it either, but seemed determined just to […]

March 11, 2016

On Labels and Differentiation

Most of us believe Albert Einstein was a brilliant physicist who invented a new form of physics derived from  the Theory of Relativity, that enabled us to gain more insights about the universe then the previous paradigm of Newtonian physics allowed. But Einstein was a deep philosophical thinker as well. Let me share with you […]

March 6, 2016

Restoring Real Wages Growth

Times are tough if you are an Australian worker. Not only are unemployment levels presently high (currently around 6%) but wages in real terms are falling (except those who are ensconced in feather-bedded public sector jobs). Now, as I have argued in previous essays, one of the major reasons for these dismal outcomes is the […]

February 27, 2016

A Few Political Bits and Pieces

Some of you have remarked to me how difficult it must be to define a topic each week, research it and then write an essay to post for you. In reality it is not usually hard because I write about things that have interest to me and that have often come up in discussion with […]

February 20, 2016

Bridging the Gap – Opening the Mind

Life has many disappointments. There wouldn’t be a human alive that has not experienced a disappointment when fervently hoping for a better outcome. And this week we were bound for more disappointment as this year’s “closing the gap” statistics were released. But those of us who wished to see our indigenous compatriots prosper have had […]

February 14, 2016