A Begginner Blogger Blogs a Beginning

Hi world of readers. Let me introduce myself. I am Ted Scott. I have had a couple of careers, firstly as an executive and more lately as a management consultant and executive coach.

I have been writing for some time, having written articles for magazines and journals. My first book, “Humanity at Work” was written jointly with my colleague and great friend, psychologist Dr Phil Harker. This book was first published in 1998. Sometime later, because of its popularity we decided to revise and augment this book. It was republished in 2002 as “The Myth of Nine to Five”.

In latter years I have been engaged in writing a series of manuscripts about a Buddhist with the unlikely name of Augustus. There are (so far unpublished) three stories – one where Augustus hepls a princess overcome depression, one where he helps conflicting societies come to grips with religious intolerance and finally a story when he assists a friend contending with mental illness.

When I write, I normally have my work critiqued by seven or eight family members and friends whose judgment I trust. When they read my manuscripts they were dran to the parables that I had used to teach some of the lessons. Consequently, I pulled the parables out of those manuscripts and compiled “Augustus Finds Serenity” which was published by A & A Book Publishing in February this year.

I am drawn to the use of fables and metaphors because it seems to me that all the major truths of Mankind have been propagated this way.

My interest is largely about the human condition – what it means to be human. Spirituality in its broadest sense and psychology are the learnings that have fuelled this interest most. Some recents developments in the new field of positive psychology and how to achieve a sense of personal well-being are of particular interest. It is my intention to use this site to share some insights from these fields with you.